When working to integrate LearnDash into your site, you may wish to make use of Uncanny Toolkit and the useful shortcodes it provides. One such shortcode is the "uo_logout" shortcode which adds a logout link to the page. However, if you find yourself needing to get...
Adding Content Above Course Header in LearnDash Focus Mode
LearnDash Focus Mode can be used to provide a minimal layout for your students. If you'd like to add content, such as a custom course-specific logo above the lesson title in focus mode, here's how to. LearnDash provides the "learndash-focus-content-title-before"...
Fix Tab Gaps when LearnDash used with Divi
LearnDash includes a feature which allows tabs to be added to LearnDash pages (e.g. by plugins). However, this feature can introduce some white gaps in Divi. Here's what to do about it. First, here's an example of LearnDash tabs shown on a course page in Divi:As you...
LearnDash Course List Incorrectly Showing Courses as "Enrolled"
Are you experiencing an issue with LearnDash course lists incorrectly displaying as "Enrolled" while using the Course Grid add-on? If so, here are a few things you can do to help resolve it. Note that this issue may also affect the Divi Course List module included in...
Show Currency in LearnDash Course List Ribbons
LearnDash, coupled with the Course Grid Add-on, lets you display a list of courses. Items in this course list include an overlaid "ribbon" of text which provides the user with some information on the course status (e.g. "Enrolled"). In the case of a premium course...
Style the LearnDash Course List Ribbon
The LearnDash course list component includes an enrollment status "ribbon" displayed with each course in the list. Here's how to style the ribbon background color and text.Style the LearnDash Course List Ribbon with Divi LearnDash Kit The Course List module added by...
Enable Divi Builder on LearnDash Certificates
If you try to use the Divi Builder to edit a LearnDash certificate, you may find either that the Divi Builder isn't available, or that you receive the following error: 'Access to certificate page is disallowed'. Either will block you from being able to successfully...
Styling the LearnDash Progress Bar
Using WPComplete to Replace the LearnDash Progress Bar WPComplete is a free plugin (with a paid version), that replaces the default progress bars in LMSs with it's own stylized progress bars. LearnDash contains a progress bar feature (and there is a Divi LearnDash Kit...