Adding Content Above Course Header in LearnDash Focus Mode


LearnDash Focus Mode can be used to provide a minimal layout for your students. If you'd like to add content, such as a custom course-specific logo above the lesson title in focus mode, here's how to.

LearnDash provides the "learndash-focus-content-title-before" action hook which fires just before the title heading in focus mode, and so can be used to add custom content above the title.

Example: Adding a course-specific logo in LearnDash focus mode

For example, the following example PHP code will use the hook to display a custom course logo above the header, when on a specific course:

add_action('learndash-focus-content-title-before', 'add_course_specific_logo_before_title', 10, 2);

if (!function_exists('add_course_specific_logo_before_title')) {
	function add_course_specific_logo_before_title($course_id, $user_id) {
        	if($course_id == 123) {
			$url = '';
		  	echo '<div class="course-specific-logo" style="text-align:center;margin-bottom:20px"><img src="'.esc_attr($url).'" /></div>';

You can add this code, for example, in the functions.php file of a child theme, or using a plugin such as Code Snippets.

Here's an example of how it looks:

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