Divi Advent Calendar Module

Divi Advent Calendar Module from Divi Booster makes it easy to add a festive calendar to Divi. Divi Advent Calendar Module:

  • Streamlines advent calendar creation, with everything in one module
  • Includes a wide range of design and customization options
  • Seamlessly integrates with existing Divi sites

Divi 5 Compatibility Coming Soon!

Lifetime license. Nothing more to pay.
Automatic updates. 90 day money back guarantee.

Divi plugin product image

WP 6.7.1 Compatible

Add an Advent Calendar to Divi

Introducing the Divi Advent Calendar Module, the perfect plugin for adding an advent calendar to your Divi site. This all-in-one Divi module allows you to run a month-long seasonal promotion with ease. Boost traffic, user-engagement and goodwill this holiday season with an advent calendar. 

Divi Advent Calendar Module

With Divi Advent Calendar Module, you will get a new "Advent Calendar" module in the Divi Builder. This module allows you to easily add and customize and interactive advent calendar. Style-able to you suit your site and brand, an advent calendar is the perfect to show your appreciation of your customers or build some serious end of year site engagement.

The Divi Advent Calendar module is easy to setup and use. I've written a detailed guide to walk you through the process and get you up and running in no time at all.

Guide: How to Set up an Advent Calendar in Divi

Get Divi Advent Calendar Module

Set up your Divi Advent Calendar today and spread some Christmas cheer!

Divi Advent Calendar Module

Automatic updates. No recurring fees.
90 day money back guarantee.

Divi 5 Compatibility Coming Soon

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