Divi Breadcrumbs Module

Improve your site navigation and SEO

Adds a breadcrumbs module to Divi, Extra and the Divi Builder
SEO-optimized with semantic markup
Flexible style options to get your breadcrumbs looking the way you want

Divi 5 Compatibility Coming Soon!

Lifetime license. Nothing more to pay.
Automatic updates. 90 day money back guarantee.

Divi plugin product image

WP 6.7.1 Compatible

Easily add Breadcrumbs to Divi

Improve your navigation with the Divi Breadcrumbs Module:

  • Adds a new breadcrumbs module to Divi
  • Automatically generated breadcrumb links
  • Flexible style options
  • Semantic breadcrumb markup for improved SEO
  • Add to individual pages or add site-wide breadcrumbs
  • Generate breadcrumbs from site structure, a WordPress menu or the user's visited pages

Conveniently Integrated with Divi Builder

The Breadcrumb Module plugin adds a new Divi Builder module, letting you easily add breadcrumbs to your layouts.

It is compatible with Divi, Extra, and the Divi Builder plugin, and supports both the classic and visual builders.

Fully Customizable "Home" Link

Don't want the main breadcrumb to point to the homepage, or don't want it to say "Home"? No problem.

With Divi Breadcrumbs Module you can fully customize the home link, including:

  • Change (or hide) the home link icon
  • Change the home link text
  • Change the home link URL

Perfect for making your store or blog the main item in your breadcrumbs. And perfect for non-English sites.


Generate Breadcrumbs your Way

Divi Breadcrumbs Module offers three distinct ways of generating breadcrumbs, so that you can easily tailor it to your needs. The available options are:

  • Site Structure (Default) – Uses the existing categories and internal structure of your site.
  • WordPress Menu – Bases the breadcrumbs on an existing menu, such as your site's main navigation links.
  • Visited Pages – Generates unique breadcrumbs for each visitor, based on the path they take through your site.

    With these options you can provide your users with consistent and intuitive navigation throughout the site, helping to improve overall user engagement and satisfaction.

    This plugin does exactly what I needed it to do.

    I do not have any developer skills, but support was excellent and resolved all of the questions I had quickly. I even got bonus advice regarding updates that would make my theme run more smoothly with this plugin and others.

    I use multiple plugins by this developer, and would highly recommend them all.


    Divi Breadcrumbs Module

    Automatic updates. No recurring fees.
    90 day money back guarantee.

    Divi 5 Compatibility Coming Soon

    Got a Question?


    1. Hello. I'm trying out a free Breadcrumbs Divi Module, but it lacks the functionality I need.
      I have some pages that have links to posts.
      When I have this structure Page1->Page2->Post1, breadcrumbs for page1 and page2 are shown correctly, but when I click on the link leading to Post1, the structure changes to Category1->Category2->Post1. I don't have pages for categories (empty pages), so I need to show the parent of the Post1 instead, the page it was referenced from. Does this plugin have this option?

      • Hi Michael, sorry for the delay getting back to you. I think the plugin should do what you want. It has three ways of generating the breadcrumbs:

        If I'm understanding correctly that this structure "Page1->Page2->Post1" represents the path the user took, i.e. they first visited Page 1 which took them to Page 2 which then took them to Post 1, then the "Visited Pages" option will be what you need.

        But if you have a navigation menu which has Page1 as a top-level link, Page2 in the associated dropdown menu, and Post2 as a sub-item of that dropdown menu, then the "WordPress Menu" option will be what you need. In that case, set the select the same menu in the breadcrumbs menu as you have set for your navigation menu.

        I hope that helps, but please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

    2. Hi, I am developing a site where I need breadcrumbs for additional navigation. I have tried a freebee but it lacks the ability to set the home level to something else than the home page.

      In this instance I want to limit the breadcrumb to the blog only, and the "home" link to bring the visitor to the blog page. Can your plugin do that?

      You can see the current placement on this page: https://lab.fmcompetence.se/kompetensportalen/

      • Hey Zignar. Yes, it has the option to do this. You can change both the text of the home link and the URL it points to. I've just updated the page above to show this. I hope it helps, but please let me know if you have any questions while setting it up. Thanks!


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