The Divi slider module includes the option to add a button to any slide. Normally when you set the button link URL, the slide title is automatically linked. If you want to prevent this, so that only the button is linked, not the title, here's how.
Remove the Slider Module Title Link using Divi Booster
Divi Booster adds an option to the slider module, allowing the slide title links to be disabled.
To use it, open the settings for the slide whose title you wish to unlink
If you haven't already, set the "Button Text" field to add a button to the slide.
Then open the "Link" toggle.
Fill in the "Button Link URL" field, if you haven't yet.
When the "Button Link URL" field is filled in, the "Link the Slide Title" option added by Divi Booster will appear. Set this to "No" to disable the slide title link.
Save the slide and slider settings.
Now save the page and view it on the front end. You should see that the slide title is no longer linked.
This option was added in Divi Booster v4.4.1.
Remove the Slider Module Title Link using PHP Code
To prevent the slider module titles from being linked, without using a plugin, add the following PHP code to your site:
// === Start: Remove Slider Module Title Links ===
function dbc_remove_divi_slider_title_link( $output, $render_slug ) {
// Proceed only if the output is a string and the module is a slide.
if ( is_string( $output ) && 'et_pb_slide' === $render_slug ) {
$output = preg_replace(
'~<h([1-6])\s+class="et_pb_slide_title">\s*<a href="[^"]*">(.*?)</a>\s*</h[1-6]>~s',
'<h$1 class="et_pb_slide_title">$2</h$1>',
return $output;
add_filter( 'et_module_shortcode_output', 'dbc_remove_divi_slider_title_link', 20, 2 );
// === END: Remove Slider Module Title Links ===
Related Post: Adding PHP to the Divi Theme
Now, you should find that your slider module slide title's are no longer linked when the Button Link URL is set.