As with any site, speed is often an important requirement for those built using Divi. With Google using the speed at which your site loads as a factor in determining how high to rank it in their search results, if you want a good ranking, a fast site is critical.
Enabling GZip compression allows your site to shrink the download sizes of your web pages before sending them to the user, resulting in faster loading of your site.
Test whether Compression is enabled on your Divi Site
A number of online tools will let you check for compression on your site, including Page Speed Insights and Pingdom.
Google Page Speed Insights
If you're after good Google rankings, then you could do worse than test your site with Google's own PageSpeed Insights tool. PageSpeed Insights will flag when compression is not enabled, like so:
Similarly, the popular Pingdom website speed test can be used to detect a lack of compression. It will report it like so:
Enabling Compression using Divi Booster
I've just added an option to Divi Booster to enable compression for Divi, so your site loads faster and should rank higher in Google as a result. You can find it under "General » Site Speed":
Once enabled, wait 30 seconds then test your site again with PageSpeed Insights and you should see that your site scores higher and tucked away under "passed rules" you'll see:
Enabling Compression with htaccess
To manually configure your site to enable compression for Divi, you can add the following to your .htaccess file:
<ifmodule mod_deflate.c>
Addtype font/truetype .ttf
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/xhtml+xml application/rss+xml application/x-javascript application/javascript text/javascript font/truetype
Are this conflict with gzip compression ?
Hi Andika, this actually is gzip compression. it enables the server's own gzip compression support, and shouldn't conflict with other methods of enabling it. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply.
You're welcome, Andika :)