Changing the Footer Links in Divi

Written by Dan Mossop

If you'd like to change Divi's default 'Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress' links, here's how to do it.

Changing the Footer Links in Divi Booster

Divi Booster includes an option to change the footer credit links. You'll find it at 'Divi > Divi Booster > Footer > Bottom Bar > Replace footer credits with this text / HTML', like so:

This gives the result:

Divi Booster Footer Link Shortcodes

You can use the following shortcodes in the footer:

[copy] – Copyright symbol
[year] – Current year in YYYY format
[yr] – Current year in YY format

Adding New Lines

If you want to insert newlines, you need to use the HTML newline tag, which is: <br/>

Explore Divi Booster

Enhance your Divi site easily with Divi Booster. Change footer links, customize designs, and add hundreds of new features with this powerful plugin. Transform your WordPress experience with ease, and take control of all your customizations.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. hello i am use Replace footer links with this text / HTML:
    TukarBalance adalah sebagai Introducing Broker bukan merupakan bagian dari InstaForex Company. TukarBalance bertugas untuk memberikan layanan kepada klien dalam batasan proses deposit dan withdrawal, tidak ikut serta dalam penyimpanan dana klien sedikitpun. Forex trading mempunyai resiko yang berhubungan dengan kehilangan dana yang disetorkan oleh klien, karena itu TukarBalance menghimbau setiap klien untuk memahami resiko yang ada, dan menggunakan dananya secara aman sehingga tidak terjadi kesalahpahaman di masa depan. TukarBalance tidak bertanggung jawab atas kehilangan dana klien yang disebabkan oleh aktifitas trading forex dengan alasan apapun
    © Copyright 2019. All Right Reserved.
    Designed and Developed by RedCreatives

    but the code is not working why ?

    • Hey Tukar, I'm assuming from your follow up comment (which I've just replied to) that you've been able to get it working…? Let me know if you are still having problems getting it to show. Thanks!

  2. Hi,

    I love this feature! Can you help me with the following: I like to put the icon of LinkedIn (linked to the linked account) in the footer. Is that possible?
    Thanks a lot, Karin

    • Hi Karin, yes, this is possible using Divi Booster (which I see from your comment on another post that you're using).

      You can do so by going to "Divi > Theme Customizer > Divi Booster > Social Media Icons" and clicking on "Add a Network" in the left Customizer bar. Click on the box that appears and select the icon as "LinkedIn" and enter the link below that.

      Then make sure you have "Divi > Theme Customizer > Footer > Footer Elements > Show Social Icons" enabled.

      Publish the customizer changes and your should now see the icon in the site footer.

      I hope that helps, but let me know if not. Thanks!

  3. hello, I use the DIVIBooster. I change my text on the Footer, I have now 3 links… I would like to have more space between the links. I gave it in Divibooster, but nothing have changed…

    How can I made it?

    Here the link:

    • Hi Cristina, you should be able to do it by adding the following CSS to your child theme:

      #footer-info a { 
          margin-left: 10px; 
          margin-right: 10px;
      #footer-info a:first-of-type {
          margin-left: 0;

      Adding extra spaces directly in the footer, as you tried, won't work since in HTML multiple space characters just get "collapsed" and treated as one.

  4. I love this Booster feature! I always put a link in the bottom bar too, but I'd like for that link to NOT be bold. Can you tell me how to do that? I looked everywhere with no success. THANKS!

    • Hey Dawn, try this:

      #footer-info a { font-weight: normal !important; }

      Hope it helps!

  5. Hi Dan,
    thought I could align parts to the right, but somehow this does not work.

    [copy] Summerplay Datenschutz | Impressum

    Any idea how I can fix this, or isnt't it possible at all?

    • Hi Gert, you should be able to do so with the following CSS:

      #footer-info { float: right !important; }

      You can add this into the "Divi > Theme Options > General > Custom CSS" box.

    • Hi,

      Why my section are seen as button (wich I don’t want) with a link on my website ? How can I fixe the problem ?

      Btw my website is still in a local

      Thanks you

      • Hi Marco, I'm not sure I understand what you're seeing. Is there any chance you're able to share a screenshot showing the problem? If you like, send a message via my contact form and you'll get a autoreply you can attach a screenshot to. Thanks!

  6. The "replace footer links with this text/html" is not working properly for me. This is the text I am trying to add:

    [copy] American Indian Services. All rights reserved.

    It shows up on the admin/dashboard side of WP, but it's blank on the public side. Any ideas?

    The site is

    • Hi Brian, when I look at the site, I can see that footer text being added. Hopefully you've been able to figure it out, but if you're still not seeing the text on the public side, I'd try clearing any caches on your website as well as your browser cache. It sounds like you may be seeing an old, cached, version of the page when viewing it on the public side (most caching plugins won't cache pages for admins which would explain why it's showing up correctly when logged in). Hope that helps!

  7. My year isn't changing! even after edit and save settings again.

    • Hi, the next thing to try would be clearing any caches on your server, and the browser history, which might be holding an old copy of Divi Booster's files. This post has some more info on clearing caches:

      If that doesn't help, would you be able to send me a link to the site you're working on so that I can take a look? Thanks!

  8. Hi!

    I used the correct code, but the url used in the footer links to the website of my client (the one I'm building) instead of my own website. How can I fix that?

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Tara, the two most common reasons for this are that 1) the link URL is missing "http://" or "https://" at the start, 2) the quotes around the URL are "curly", rather than straight up and down quote marks. In each case the result is that the URL isn't seen as a full URL, but rather the name of a page on the current site.

      I took a look at the URL you've linked in your comment and it looks like the footer link there is working correctly, so hopefully you've been able to solve it already (let me know if you're still having problems with it). If it's a problem on another site, can you send me a link so I can take a look? Thanks!

  9. Hello,
    I have added coding to the footer using Booster. However, I see that the coding doesn't actually appear, when I view the page source. I need search engines to be able to view the coding. Is there any way to fix this? Thanks very much. I'm a big fan of Booster.

    • Hi julia, Divi Booster used to actually add the code into the source, but it required a feature that not all servers have enabled so it was a bit unreliable. I moved to a different way of implementing this that uses JavaScript and is more reliable, but has the drawback of not being present in the source. I'm hoping to develop a hybrid version which detects when the required feature is available and puts the code into the source when it is.

      Until then, I suggest using the footer editor box Divi itself added recently. You'll find this in the Theme Customizer, under Footer > Bottom Bar > Edit Footer Credits.

      As it's part of the theme, the footer code you add there will appear in the source. You won't be able to use the year / copyright shortcodes Divi Booster offers, but other than that it works in a similar way.

  10. I too am having issue. The year is still saying '2016'…

    [copy][year] Compassion Dentistry

    • Hi Gabe, updating to the latest version of Divi Booster (currently 2.4.2), or re-saving the Divi Booster settings should fix this. Please let me know if that doesn't do the trick. Thanks!

  11. Thank you soooooo much! Have used your tute to put my own name in the credits, hyperlinked to my website. So grateful to you. Cheers, Lucy

  12. Hi Dan, i copied the following code in your plugin but cant seem to change the footer:

    [copy] => ©Anne Haeusler, 2016 I Impressum I Datenschutz

    What do i do wrong? Thanks for your help, Anne

    • Hi Anne, did you get this sorted? Looking at the site (as linked in your comment), it seems the footer is set up using Divi's built in footer editor, is that right? I can't see any evidence of the JavaScript code Divi Booster would use to modify the footer, so I'm guessing either you've disabled the feature in Divi Booster, or that the minification plugin is configured to exclude Divi Booster's JavaScript file.

      If you're still having trouble with it, would you be willing to let me log in to the site so that I can take a look at how things are set up / what's going on. Thanks!


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