Change the Divi Footer Menu Height


Divi lets you add a WordPress menu to the default Divi footer. If you assign a menu to the footer, it will show up in its own bar, just above the standard footer bottom bar. Divi doesn't offer an easy way to adjust the height of this footer menu bar. So here's how to easily customize the height of the default Divi footer's menu bar area.

Adjust the height of the Divi footer menu using Divi Booster

Divi Booster adds an option that can be used to adjust the height of Divi's footer menu. 

The first thing to be aware of is how Divi itself actually sets the height of the footer menu. It'd done with padding rather than a height setting. 

To allow full control of this, Divi Booster adds a setting to change the top / bottom padding on the footer menu bar, at:

  • Divi > Divi Booster > Footer > Footer Menu > Footer menu padding

Like so:

To keep the footer menu links centered in the footer menu area, set the top and bottom padding to be equal.

This option are available in Divi Booster v4.3.0 onwards.

Adjust the height of the Divi footer menu using CSS

If you'd like to use CSS to adjust the height of the Divi footer menu, you can use the following CSS: 

/* Change the footer menu padding */
#main-footer #et-footer-nav .bottom-nav { 
	padding-top: 20px !important; 
	padding-bottom: 20px !important;

As mentioned above, keeping the top and bottom padding equal will keep the menu links vertically centered.

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Divi Booster

Hundreds of new features for Divi
in one easy-to-use plugin


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