Viewing the Divi Booster Changelog

Written by Dan Mossop

The Divi Booster changelog details the features, bug fixes and updates added by each Divi Booster version, and is the most up-to-date source for this information. You can view the Divi Booster changelog in the following ways:

1. By viewing the public Divi Booster readme.txt File

The Divi Booster changelog is included in the Divi Booster readme.txt file, which you can access using the button below. Just scroll down to the "Changelog" section to see what's new.

2. From the Plugins Page

If you haven't yet updated to the latest version, then you can go to your plugins page and click the "View version x.y.z details" link next to Divi Booster (as shown):

​This will bring up the full changelog for all versions of the plugin, up to the latest available version.

3. Browsing Directly to the Readme File on your Server

By browsing to:

(replacing with the URL of your WordPress installation)

4. Viewing the Readme File in the Plugin Zip File

By locating and opening the plugin's readme.txt file. This is located in the plugin installation file ( and once the plugin is installed, it'll be located on your server at:


​Note that the readme.txt file will show only the changes up to the version of the plugin you have installed, while method 1) and 2) will show you the changelog for the latest version of Divi Booster.

Check out Divi Booster

Divi Booster upgrades Divi with hundreds of new features to help you build awesome sites with ease.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. Hello, I use the "Site title/tagline" feature but it is now appearing below the header/ navigation section? This error occurred immediately after updating to the latest version.?

    • Hi Philip, it looks like you're running the WP Fastest Cache plugin. I think if you clear its cache that should solve the problem. Currently your WP Fastest Cache's minified CSS file is using an old version of Divi Booster's CSS file, and I believe this is what is causing the issue. Let me know if that doesn't fix it for you. Thanks!

  2. Booster update 2.7.5 has not been tested with the current version of WordPress (4.9.8 as of writing). It's been saying that for quite some time. Any ETA on when it'll be brought in line with WP?

    • Hi Anastasia, 2.7.6 (just released) has been tested with / is compatible with WP 4.9.8. In fact, 2.7.5 is also compatible with WP 4.9.8 as the recent WordPress versions do not seem to have made any changes which affect Divi Booster. Thanks!

  3. Hi Dan, Having a problem with the latest update 2.6.6 which wont upload. Keep getting following message "Update Failed: The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions." Any ideas? Kind regards, Kathleen

  4. Hi, there is on an update from 2.4.9 to 2.5.0 but the change log file (your link above) stops at 2.4.8

    • Hi John, I've just uploaded the latest readme.txt file, so if you check that link now it should be at 2.5.0. Thanks!

  5. Compatible up to: 4.6? Is this why it is not working any longer? Will you upgrade this to work with the current version of WP?

    • Hi jeannene. Divi Booster is compatible with the latest version of WordPress (currently 4.7.3). This "Compatible up to" will be updated in the next version of Divi Booster, but there are not to my knowledge any incompatibilities between the current version of Divi Booster and the latest version of WordPress.

      I've sent you an email regarding the issue you've been having with the settings not saving. I doubt this is related to the version of WordPress in use, but hopefully we can get to the bottom of it. Thanks!

  6. Hello Dan!
    I use MainWP to admin my sites and have about 50-60 sites added there. It`s a great tool for updating themes, plugins ad core WP + monitoring sites. But some plugins, like Divi Booster doen`s work well with systems like MainWP when it comes to seeing the changelog before updating. Plugins in the WP repository give me access to the plugin info and changelog and I can easily decide if I want to update let`s say Akismet for the 20 sites using that with a single click. But with Divi booster I have to open a spesific site using it and look up the changelog there and then go back and update in my MainWP dashboard. Is there any way you can fix so that Divi Booster`s changelog also is visible via systems like MainWP? Best regards, Frode

    • Hi Frode, I'll look into this. I investigated the same thing with InfiniteWP, but unfortunately InfiniteWP hardcodes the changelog links to point at WordPress's free plugin directory, so there wasn't any easy way to override this. Hopefully MainWP offers more control over this. Cheers, Dan.


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