The Divi theme developer documentation describes how to control the Custom CSS Fields for a module's settings. There's a built-in filter for modifying these fields, which you can use like so:
Divi for Developers
Filter the Divi Module Advanced Fields
The Divi theme developer documentation describes how to control the Advanced Field Types for a module's settings: that is, how to add / control advanced options such as background and font options to Divi modules. There's a built-in filter for modifying these fields,...
Changing the Divi Role Editor Defaults
The Divi Theme comes with a role editor that lets you control which user roles (administrator, editor, contributor, etc) can use which Divi features. By default, everyone has access to everything and you must explicitly disable any features you don't want accessed by...
Clearing Custom Modules from the Divi Builder Cache
For developers of custom Divi builder modules, here's a quick tip that may save you some hassle along the way. Divi Builder caches modules in the browser's local storage to improve performance. However, as a custom module developer, you may find that changes you make...
Detecting when Divi Builder is Activated / Deactivated
In my earlier post, I described how to detect if the Divi Builder is in use on a given post / page edit screen. But what if you want to actually detect when the user enables / disables Divi Builder editor? It can be done as in the following way. Adding jQuery to the...
Detecting if Divi Builder is Running
The Divi Theme includes a visual page builder, allowing edits to be made directly to the front-end view of the site. When adding custom code to a Divi site, it can sometimes be useful to determine whether or not the visual builder is active on the page. For example,...