
Change the Background Color on Social Media Follow Module Icons

Divi Includes a Social Media Follow Module which lets you display social media icons linking to your social media accounts. Here are a couple of ways to change the background color of your social media follow module icons. Need more icons? Divi Booster adds more...

Set the Post Content Module Background

The Divi theme Post Content module introduced by Divi 4.0 is a placeholder for the main content layout, within a theme builder template. It comes with a convenient option to set its background color / image. However, you might find that your chosen background doesn't...

Set Divi Section Background Position

If you want to shift the background on one of your Divi Theme sections, you can do with Divi's position settings. For example, suppose you have a section with a background, and some content (an accordion in this case), like so:You can shift the entire section up...