WP Magic CTAs

Easily add highly-targeted call-to-actions to your posts with the power of AI

  • Produces relevant, post-specific CTAs from generic examples
  • Bulk generation to save you time and hassle
  • Fine-tune to suit your needs
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WP 6.6.2 Compatible

Easily add Customized, AI-Generated Call-to-Actions to your Posts

Introducing WP Magic CTAs, the ultimate plugin for generating personalized call-to-actions (CTAs) for your WordPress site. This innovative tool leverages AI to create tailored CTAs for each post, maximizing engagement and conversions with minimal effort.

Choose What to Promote

WP Magic CTAs harnesses the power of AI to select and tailor CTAs based on the content of each post.

You start by providing a small set of CTA templates (e.g. one for each product, service or offer you wish to promote), and the plugin does the rest. It chooses the best CTA for each post and customizes it to better resonate with your audience.

Whether you’re promoting products, growing your email list, or directing users to specific pages, this plugin adapts to your needs. It’s perfect for generating bulk CTAs across your entire site or targeting individual posts for precision marketing.

Bulk Generate with Ease

The core of the plugin is its bulk generation feature, located at:

WP Admin > CTAs > Bulk Generate CTAs

With it, you can kick off automatic generation of customized CTAs for all your posts. Selecting from your sample CTAs, AI picks the one that best suits each post and then customizes it based on the topic of the post to provide highly-targeted call-to-actions on every post. 

Even better, you can run it any time you like, so that new products, promotions and events can be immediately promoted throughout the site with a level of speed and customization that would be almost impossible to achieve by hand!

Fine-Tune to Perfection

After bulk-generating the call-to-actions, you may find a few are not to your liking (or just plain wrong – it is AI after all). But not to worry, everything is under your control. 

Using the Magic CTA sidebar section in the post editor, you can easily request a new generation of any less-than-perfect CTAs on a post-by-post basis. You can even manually edit them if you wish.

This combination of bulk generation and selective fine-tuning ensures you get great CTAs with a minimum of effort.


    Display in Post Templates

    Once your customized call-to-actions have been generated, all that's left to do is display them in your site.

    You can easily add them to your posts and post templates in any WordPress theme, using the following shortcodes:

    • wp_magic_ctas_title
    • wp_magic_ctas_content
    • wp_magic_ctas_button_text
    • wp_magic_ctas_url
    • wp_magic_ctas_image_url

    Once added, your CTAs will display and automatically update whenever you regenerate them.

    Integrates with Divi

    WP Magic CTAs can be used with any WordPress theme. But it plays especially nicely with Divi, thanks to its integration with Divi's dynamic content feature.

    It adds the following fields to Divi's dynamic content menu:

    • CTA Title
    • CTA Text 
    • CTA Button Text
    • CTA URL
    • CTA Image URL 

     WP Magic CTAs Divi integration makes it a breeze to add targeted call-to-actions to your Divi posts, pages and theme builder layouts.

      Powered by ChatGPT

      WP Magic CTAs uses GPT4 from OpenAI to provide high-quality, low error CTA generation.

      No personal user information or sensitive site details are sent to OpenAI, protecting your site's compliance and your users' privacy.

      Requests to OpenAI are optimized to keep costs low. Currently it costs around one US cent per processed post, though token use and pricing will vary with CTA and post lengths.  

      Important: WP Magic CTAs requires an API Key from OpenAI, use of which is monitored and billed by OpenAI.

        Get WP Magic CTAs

        Transform your website today with tailored call-to-actions that drive engagement and conversions. Lift your marketing game with WP Magic CTAs today!

        WP Magic CTAs

        Automatic updates. No recurring fees.
        90 day money back guarantee.

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