Astra Theme and Divi Builder

Written by Dan Mossop

This post is a place for me to collect notes on the Astra Theme, specifically how it relates to Divi, the Divi Builder plugin and my own plugins.

Can you use Divi Builder with the Astra Theme?

Yes, you can use Elegant Theme's Divi Builder functionality on your Astra Theme pages and posts. To do so, first install and enable the Divi Builder plugin, along with the Astra Theme. Then when you start a new post / page you should see the option to "Use Divi Builder", like so:

Click "Use Divi Builder" and you'll be taken to the front-end view of the post with Divi Builder enabled. There you'll be able to add Divi Modules and edit the page as you would on any Divi site.

Does Divi Builder work with the Astra LearnDash Starter Site?

One way to set up a LearnDash site on Astra is to use the preconfigured LearnDash "Starter Site". You don't have to use this to use LearnDash with Astra, but it's an easy way to get started.

However, note that this site is built with the Elementor page builder and as such isn't compatible with Divi or the Divi modules for LearnDash added by my Divi LearnDash Kit. You will still be able to create new pages using the Divi Builder, but you won't be able to edit the existing Elementor ones in Divi Builder.

What's faster, the Divi Theme or Astra with the Divi Builder Plugin?

I don't have any data to back this up at the moment, but my gut feeling is that there may not be too much in it. The bulk of Divi's functionality (and, I think, load time) is contained within the Divi Builder – the rest of the theme being relatively lightweight (mainly just the header and footer, which don't have anything too complex going on). If you ran Divi Builder on Astra, you would replace the header and footer (and a few other bits) with Astra's and might get a small time saving there, but you'd still need to load the Divi Builder functionality. So I think any time saving would end up being a small percentage of the overall page load time.

If you're using Astra / Divi and have any questions about either, please let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them.

Seamlessly Integrate LearnDash with Divi!

Elevate your LearnDash LMS with the Divi LearnDash Kit from Divi Booster. This plugin adds custom LearnDash modules to Divi, resolves compatibility issues, and supports Divi design settings, creating a cohesive and visually appealing learning environment.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. Does it make sense to combine the free Astra Thema and the Divi Builder in terms of page speed?
    Or can yo say that a website would have a better page speed if you only use the divi theme (along with the divi builder) instead?

    • Hi Sam, I don't have any data to back this up at the moment, but my gut feeling is that there may not be too much in it. The bulk of Divi's functionality (and, I think, load time) is contained within the Divi Builder – the rest of the theme being relatively lightweight (mainly just the header and footer, which don't have anything too complex going on). If you ran Divi Builder on Astra, you would replace the header and footer (and a few other bits) with Astra's and might get a small time saving there, but you'd still need to load the Divi Builder functionality. So I think any time saving would end up being a small percentage of the overall page load time. But like I say, I really don't have any data to back it up, so take all of that with a big pinch of salt. It would be relatively easy to do a basic test though. I'll try it myself if / when I get a chance, but if you happen to test it out, I'd love to hear whether I'm right or wrong :)

      • Hi Dan, do you recommend using Astra or Divi theme when using Divi builder?

        I use Astra Pro on everything which works well with Brizy and Elementor but I am new to Divi but I have heard alot of good things so added it to my tool I am mainly wondering if the speed is better on the Divi Theme because it is their theme or does it even matter? Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you very much Paul

        • Hey Paul, I haven't done any benchmarking, so I can't give you a definitive answer. But as I mentioned in the previous comment (now elevated to a section of the post), the bulk of Divi's load time is probably in the Divi Builder functionality, which is the same in both the Divi theme and the Divi Builder plugin. As such, I'd expect that to be the dominant factor and give roughly equal load times. So speed-wise I'd be surprised if there's too much difference. If I could suggest anything, it would be to start with Astra and the Divi Builder plugin, so that you have less to learn in one go. Once you've got comfortable with the Divi Builder, you should have an easy time getting to know the Divi theme (or Extra). Hope that helps somewhat!

  2. Hi. Excellent post! One question, have you tried editing the envato elements + Astra templates with the divi builder once installed? It is that elementor I do not like very much! Cheers!..

    • Hi Samuel, I haven't tried, but if you're talking about these these template kits ( or similar, I think you'll be out of luck, unfortunately. It sounds like these the templates are specifically built in / for Elementor. Divi and Elementor each use their own, mutually incompatible, representations of page layouts so there isn't any easy way to convert from an Elementor template to a Divi Builder layout. Basically I think the only really option is to recreate the templates in Divi Builder by hand… :(

  3. Hola. Excelente post! Una pregunta, han probado editar las plantillas de envato elements+Astra con el divi builder una vez instaladas? Es que elementor no me gusta mucho! Saludos!..

    • Hi Samuel, I haven't tried, but if you're talking about these these template kits ( or similar, I think you'll be out of luck, unfortunately. It sounds like these the templates are specifically built in / for Elementor. Divi and Elementor each use their own, mutually incompatible, representations of page layouts so there isn't any easy way to convert from an Elementor template to a Divi Builder layout. Basically I think the only really option is to recreate the templates in Divi Builder by hand… :(


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