Change the Door Size in Divi Advent Calendar

Written by Dan Mossop

As the holiday season approaches, many of us are looking for creative ways to engage our website visitors. The Divi Advent Calendar plugin is an excellent tool for adding a festive touch while offering daily surprises. If you find the default size of the advent calendar boxes a bit small, there's a straightforward way to resize them to better fit your design needs.

Adjusting the Advent Calendar Door Sizes

To customize the size of the advent calendar boxes, follow these simple steps:

Access Door Settings: Start by opening the settings for any door in your advent calendar. Navigate to the "Advanced" tab.

Modify Sizing Options: Under the "Sizing" section, you can adjust the width and height of your boxes as needed.  

Extend Styles Across all Doors: Once you’ve optimized one door, make your adjustments uniform across the calendar using Divi’s "Extend Item Styles" option. This handy feature copies the sizing changes from one door to all others, ensuring a cohesive look throughout your calendar.

If you’ve applied distinct styles to different doors, worry not. You can selectively extend just the "Sizing" styles without overwriting other customizations. Use the "three-dot" menu to apply only the specific width and height adjustments.

While extending styles, it can be useful to ensure that your advent calendar module sits in its own row. Divi doesn't restrict style extensions to the module alone, meaning other modules in the same row might get inadvertently styled. By isolating your calendar module, you prevent any unwanted changes.

Final Thoughts

Customizing your advent calendar boxes helps you better integrate this engaging feature with the overall aesthetic of your site, making it a more compelling experience for your visitors. If you need more tailored advice or encounter any obstacles, feel free to reach out for assistance.

Wishing you a festive and successful holiday season with your Divi Advent Calendar!

Check out Divi Advent Calendar Module

Introducing the Divi Advent Calendar Module, the perfect plugin for adding an advent calendar to your Divi site. This all-in-one Divi module allows you to run a month-long seasonal promotion with ease. Boost traffic, user engagement, and goodwill this holiday season with an advent calendar.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


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