Divi Booster and Divi 3.0

Written by Dan Mossop

The latest update to the Divi Theme, version 3.0, is almost upon us (and may well be by the time your read this).

The Divi 3.0 update's main enhancement to the theme will be the addition of the highly anticipated visual builder. The visual builder is a new way of editing your Divi Builder pages – allowing you to drag, drop and edit the page right from within the page preview as the user will see it. This new way of editing Divi Builder pages should make web development faster and make everyone's lives easier.

Does Divi 3.0 make Divi Booster Unnecessary?

While Divi 3.0 is a major update, it won't actually be altering the options available to you in any significant way. Modules will still have (roughly) the same options, as will the customizer. What has changed is the method you can use to apply these options to your site. So you have the same options as before, but a new way to select them.

All this means that the hundreds of options Divi Booster adds will still require either manual coding, or Divi Booster, to implement. Anything you needed Divi Booster for before, you'll almost certainly still need Divi Booster for after the update.

Will Divi Booster work on Divi 3.0?

Absolutely! The nature of the Divi 3.0 update is such that it will actually have very little impact on Divi Booster. I've just released an update (v2.3.3) which makes a few minor tweaks to ensure that Divi Booster and the visual editor play well together and I recommend updating to get the best experience. But even if you are on older versions of Divi Booster, you should not have any major problems working with Divi 3.0.

I'll continue to release updates, etc, to address any issues uncovered as Divi 3.0 becomes more widely used. If you do notice anything not behaving as you'd expect, please let me know.

Does Divi Booster work with the Visual Editor?

As Divi Booster has its own settings page, its options are controlled separately from both the regular Divi Builder and the new Visual Editor. This means that you can continue to use Divi Booster in the usual way. The changes you make there will show up in the visual editor and will complement the page edits you make there.

I will be looking into the opportunities the visual editor presents to create a more streamlined workflow for Divi Booster users.

Will Divi Booster be developed after Divi 3.0 is released?

Yes! I'm in it for the long run and plan to continue to develop Divi Booster far into the future. I'll be continuing to add new features and will be looking to enhance and work with the visual editor, to make the most of Divi 3.0.

How should I go about updating? Divi or Divi Booster first?

I'd say it probably doesn't matter. The updates I've made to Divi Booster for Divi 3.0 compatibility are minor enough that there should be no real problems whichever way you choose to update. It would make sense, though, that you update Divi Booster prior to doing any real work with the Divi 3.0 visual builder so you can enjoy the smoothest editing experience.

Maximize Your Divi Experience with Divi Booster

Enhance your Divi 3.0 theme with Divi Booster. While the new visual builder revolutionizes how you edit your pages, Divi Booster still provides the essential custom options you've come to rely on. Keep your favorite features and options functional with Divi Booster's seamless integration.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. Hi Dan.

    Seems the code snippet does not work with Divi 3.2.

    The preview does not work and I was advised to the fact when inserting the first code snippet, but it seems it also does not work when viewing the post. The WP version is 4.9.5.


    • Hi Andrej, the recent Divi update introduced some changes which ultimately caused the errors in the plugin. I've just released an update (v1.0.5) which I believe should get rid of the errors and get the plugin working correctly again. Please let me know if you continue to have issues with it after that. Thanks!

  2. I'm getting a failure on Divi Booster since the Divi 3.2 update this weekend. I had to deactivate it to get the site to come back from a white screen. Do you have any updates rolling out soon?

    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Warning: include(/var/www/vhosts/teensdreamcolab.org/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-booster/core/updates/plugin-update-checker.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/teensdreamcolab.org/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/divi-booster/core/index.php on line 7

    • Hi Steven, the error indicates that one of Divi Booster's files is missing. If the plugin was working previously, then it would appear that something has caused it to be moved / removed – I'm not sure what, exactly, though there's nothing in Divi 3.2 or Divi Booster that should have caused it. I suggest re-installing Divi Booster to re-instate the missing file and fix the error. Let me know if that doesn't solve it.

  3. Hello,
    Since the latest updates of WP and Divi the second button has disappeared from my front page sliders on my sites.
    Can you help with this please

    • Hi Declan, the recent Divi update made some changes to the slider which affected this feature. I have just released an update (v2.7.2) which should fix this. Let me know if it doesn't solve it for you. Thanks!

  4. Hi, i used Divi Booster on Wesbites before and was always happy. Now i installed it in an new Website with Divi 3.0 and the Section "Main Hader" has a black overlay and i cant do anything there. Is that because of Divi 3.0?

    Thanks for a short reply

    • Hi Melanie, the WordPress 4.9 update made some changes to the way it implemented color selection boxes, which affected both Divi and Divi Booster. The overlay on the "Main Header" section on older versions of Divi Booster was a result of this change. It has been fixed in more recent versions of Divi Booster (2.6.0 onwards) so updating the plugin should solve the issue. Let me know if that doesn't help. Thanks!

  5. Hi Dan,

    since yesterday I'm a happy user of your Divi-Booster :-) !

    It seems to me, that you are a specialist in php-coding ….. so I have two important questions to you:

    a) Is it possible to define a "flying window", which could be shown by embedding CSS code in any Sections / Rows / Modules?

    You could compare this feature to "Click to Action," except that a custom window is displayed.

    And(2nd question): Is it possible to position design elements at any point of the page (for instaance: graphical elements in the upper right and lower left corner of some page-elements)?

    My last developed page is: http://www.hypnose-gratza.de

    Maybe you have an idea/a solution ? Elegantthemes doesn't have……

    Many thanks and very best regards


    • Hi Hubert :)

      a) The "flying window" you're talking about is often called a "modal window" or "overlay". They require some reasonably complex code (CSS alone won't do it). I'd suggest checking out a plugin such as "Divi Overlays" which handles all the details for you:


      b) How exactly you would do this depends a lot on exactly what you are trying to move where. But in most cases, you'll be looking at setting the CSS "position" property on the element you want to move. There are a few values for the property which dictate where it is placed. Examples are "relative" which lets you move it by a certain amount from its usual position, "absolute" which places it at particular co-ordinates on the page, and "fixed" which allows you to specify co-ordinates relative to the browser window itself (so that the element stays where it is, while the rest of the page scrolls). This post explains these in more detail:


      If you've got a specific example of an element you're trying to move, let me know and I'll try to give you some more specific advice.

  6. Hi, thanks for your post. Question – will divi booster allow me to use the divi builder directly on LIFTER LMS course pages (which seem to be custom post, sidebar pages) to design them?

    I have the newest divi theme, and the newest LIFTER and am just getting ready to create my online classes. But I'm already spoiled with the divi builder – and have A TON OF CLASSES to design. It would be so much easier if I can design layout for the pages using the divi builder.

    Is my understanding correct that divi boost will do what I'm after?

    Thanks so much, Mandy

    • Hi Mandy, yes it will :)


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