This page aims to answer your questions on the GDPR as it relates to and the plugins sold through this site. If you have any questions not answered here, please feel free to ask in the comments or privately via the contact form.
Basics is operated from Australia and uses a globally distributed network of servers in the provision of its services. aims to meet its own obligations under the GDPR and ensure that users of its products and services are able to meet theirs.
Plugins sells a number of WordPress plugins. At the time of writing, these plugins do not collect or store personally identifying information about the users of the sites on which they are installed, and furthermore do not transmit any such information back to This, I believe, means that the plugins will not affect your GDPR compliance status – i.e. if your site is compliant with GDPR prior to installing any of my plugins, it will be compliant afterwards.
If any future plugins or plugin updates include features which require the collection of personally identifying information to function correctly, every effort will be made to ensure that this is done in compliance with GDPR and clearly communicated.
Plugins from include automatic update functionality. In order to provide this, the plugins may send some information such as license information and site URL to allow the eligibility for updates to be determined. This information may be logged, but is used only for the provision of updates.
In order to provide you with ongoing access to the plugins you purchase from, some basic identifying information is collected, including your name and email address. This information may be used to provide ongoing access to your purchases and to send you email updates on products, from which you can unsubscribe at any time. This information is not used or shared for any other purposes. Payments are processed by PayPal or Stripe, which collect and manage this information according to their own policies.
Comments submitted to will be stored and may be publicly displayed.
Information submitted via newsletter signup forms will be used for the provision of email updates only and you may unsubscribe at any time, either via the links in the emails sent or by direct request. uses SSL / TLS encryption throughout.
Deletion of your Information
If you want any of your information deleted, let me know and I will do so except where it must be retained to comply with legal requirements (tax laws, etc).
The WordPress cookie consent plugin is a great way to get started. You can allow your website to become legally compliant with the use of various automated consent logging and management tools. With the right tool, the audience will be able to trust your website more.
However, you can also do this manually or as you wish.
free cookie consent plugin
Recommend any webmaster to at least add:
1) online Privacy Statement
2) an obligatory radio-button field to any (contact/ subscription) form: "I confirm to have read and to agree with the processing of the submitted personal data, in accordance with the Privacy Statement".
3) a GDPR-compliant cookie-manager such as:
Hey QF, these are great recommendations. Thanks for sharing them.
Muchas gracias por la publicación, ahora ya se todo lo que me hacia falta saber sobre el GDPR.
De nada, Rosa :)