[Divi Shortcode Enabler]


About Divi Shortcode Enabler

 This WordPress plugin enables the use of shortcodes at various places within Divi.

  • Enables shortcodes within various Divi Module fields
  • Includes handy shortcodes for use in the module fields

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Get Started with Divi Shortcode Enabler

You can install Divi Shortcode Enabler as you would any other plugin, via the WordPress Dashboard plugins area.

With Divi Shortcode Enabler installed you’ll now be able to use shortcodes within the supported fields. For most fields, this is as simple as placing the shortcode in the relevant field within the module settings. See this post on using shortcodes in the button module for an example of this. The process is slightly different for image module images and background image URLs.

If you have any questions about it, please get in touch.

Posts about Divi Shortcode Enabler

Filtering the output of Divi Module Fields

Divi uses the values entered in a module's settings to generate the HTML output for the module. While Divi provides filters to modify the module setting values before they are used, it doesn't typically provide a way of modifying the values as they are finally used in...

Upgrade a Divi Booster Product License

If you would like to upgrade your license for your Divi Booster product, for example converting your single site to a 3-site or unlimited license, here's how. 1) Log into your Divi Booster account. You can do so at: https://divibooster.com/your-account2) Click on the...

Use Shortcode in Divi Image Module

The Divi Theme Image Module lets you upload and display an image in your page. But if you need to set the Image dynamically, here's how to use a shortcode to set the image URL.Step 1: Enable shortcodes in the image module URL field By default Divi doesn't support...

Using Shortcodes in the Background Image URL field

The Divi Theme allows you to add background images to Divi Builder sections, rows and modules. By default, Divi doesn't allow shortcodes in the background image URL field. If you want to use a shortcode to generate your background image URL (or part of it), here's how...

Using Shortcodes in the Button Module

Divi Shortcode Enabler allows shortcodes to be used in various Divi modules, including the button module. Currently, Divi Shortcode Enabler supports using URLs in the following button module fields: * Button text* Button Link URLUsing shortcodes in the Button text...

Enabling Shortcodes in Divi Module Fields

The Divi Theme's many modules include a variety of fields in which you can enter URLs and text to be displayed by the modules. In many cases, however, these are limited to the static text you type into the modules' settings. What if you want to use be able to...