Use Shortcode in Divi Image Module

Written by Dan Mossop

The Divi Theme Image Module lets you upload and display an image in your page. But if you need to set the Image dynamically, here's how to use a shortcode to set the image URL.

Step 1: Enable shortcodes in the image module URL field

By default Divi doesn't support shortcodes in the image module URL field. However, you can add support by either:

  1. Installing and activating the Divi Shortcode Enabler plugin
  2. Manually enabling shortcodes using the PHP code given in this post

Step 2: Add the shortcode in the image module settings

Now you can add set your shortcode as the image module URL as follows:

Locate the Image option at:

Image Settings > Content > Image > Image

If an image is already set you should see something similar to the view on the left, otherwise you should see the view on the right.

In either case, click the icon highlighted here in orange and you should be presented with the media upload screen. Select "Insert from URL" and then enter your shortcode in the URL field. It should now look like this:
Now click "Insert into post", save the image module settings, save the page and then view on the front-end. All being well the image displayed will be that returned by your URL.


If you're image isn't displaying, here are some things to try / check:

  • Clear any caches used on your site (e.g. in performance plugins) , as they may cause a version of the page to displayed that was generated before the changes above were made.
  • Ensure the shortcode returns a URL, and nothing else. As an example, a shortcode which returns a full HTML link (with "a" tag) won't work as Divi will strip out the HTML and the URL with it.

If neither of these help, feel free to get in touch (with details of the shortcode you're using, and a link to an example page, if possible) and I'll try to help out.

Unlock the Full Potential of Shortcodes in Divi!

Empower your Divi site with the Divi Shortcode Enabler. This plugin allows shortcodes to run effortlessly in various Divi module fields, enhancing functionality and customization across your site.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


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