Divi Show / Hide Button


About Divi Show / Hide Button Module

This WordPress plugin lets you show, hide and toggle Divi Builder sections, rows and modules at the click of a button.

  • Hide any part of your page
  • Reveal any part of your page
  • Toggle any part of your page

Automatic updates. No recurring fees.
90 day money back guarantee. Learn more…

Get Started with Divi Show / Hide Button

You can install Divi Show / Hide Button module as you would any other plugin, via the WordPress Dashboard plugins area.

With the plugin installed, you’ll find your new Divi Show / Hide Button module added alongside the built-in Divi modules. It can be added to Divi Builder layouts and configured in the same way as the built-in modules. With its flexible options you’ll be able to let your users show and reveal content within your pages at the click of a button.

If you have any questions about it, please get in touch.

Posts about Divi Show / Hide Button Module

Creating a Step Progress Bar in Divi

Creating a Step Progress Bar in Divi

A step progress bar is a handy user-interface element which lets you display a sequence of steps where each step is a button that reveals the content associated with that step. Here's how you can set one up in Divi.Set up a Step Progress Bar using the Divi Show / Hide...

Make an Image Trigger a Divi Show / Hide Button

Divi Show / Hide Button lets you reveal and/or hide Divi Builder elements at the click of a button. If you have an existing Divi Show / Hide Button module on your page, and would like to additionally have an image module on your page which triggers the same action as...

Set the Button Heading Level in Divi Show / Hide Button Text

The Divi Show / Hide Button lets you reveal and/or hide Divi Builder elements at the click of a button. If you want your show / hide button to double as the heading for the section it reveals, you may wish to set the button text to a heading level, such as an H2 or...

Trigger a Divi Show / Hide Button from a Link

The Divi Show / Hide Button Module lets you reveal, hide and toggle Divi Builder elements using a Divi-style Button. If you'd like to be able to scroll to and trigger a show / hide button from a link, here's how to do it.Open a show / hide button from a link using...

Add an Image and Text in the Divi Show / Hide Button

Divi Show / Hide Button lets you reveal and/or hide Divi Builder elements at the click of a button. While there isn't a specific option to add an image to the show / hide button, you can add an icon and/or a background image. So for example, you can create a button...

Enable Raw HTML in Divi Show / Hide Button Text

Divi Show / Hide Button lets you reveal and/or hide Divi Builder elements at the click of a button. By default, the text entered in the Show / Hide button's Text field is displayed as just that: text. This means that if you enter HTML in the button's text field, it...

Change the "display" value set by Divi Show / Hide Button

The Divi Show / Hide Button lets you reveal and/or hide Divi Builder elements at the click of a button. When an element is revealed it is done so using the jQuery show() method. This method sets the "display" CSS property of the revealed element to "block". If you...

Show / Hide Content with a Button in the Divi Menu

If you'd like to be able to include a button in a Divi menu which, when clicked, displays (or hides) content in the site, here's how to do it.Add a Divi Show / Hide Button to the Default Divi Menu The Divi Show / Hide Button module lets you add a Divi-style button to...

Reveal Divi Contact Form with a Button Click

Divi includes a contact form module that lets you add an email contact form to a page. Here's how to hide the contact form until a "Contact Us" button is clicked.Add a Contact Us Button with Divi Show / Hide Button Module Divi Show / Hide Button module makes it easy...

Hide Modules Initially with the Divi Show / Hide Button

The Divi Show / Hide Button Module lets you reveal, hide and toggle Divi Builder elements using a Divi-style Button. It comes with a way to hide your Divi Builder element (section, row or module) initially, so that it is hidden until the user later reveals it by...