When Divi's fixed header option is used, both the main header and the top header will remain visible when scrolling down the page. If you'd like to hide the top header on scroll, so that only the main header is fixed, this post explains how. Here's a before and after...
secondary header
How to Swap the Position of Social Icons and Secondary Navigation in Divi
In the Divi theme secondary header, you can choose to display both social icons and a secondary navigation menu. If you do, you'll find that the social icons appear to the left of the menu. Unfortunately, there isn't currently an option in Divi to swap the social...
Recreate the top header phone / email in a module
The Divi default header can be configured with a secondary header which displays, among other things, a phone number and email address. If you use a custom header built in the theme builder, you won't be able to make use of this secondary header. Here's how you can...
Add More Social Icons in Divi Header / Footer
The Divi theme lets you add social icons to the header and/or footer. However, the range of icons on offer is rather limited. Divi Booster includes a feature which vastly increases the choice of icons. Adding Social Icons to the Header / Footer in Divi Booster To use...
Enable Social Icons in the Divi Header
In the default header setup Divi places the social icons in the secondary header bar (the thin strip at the top with the phone / email icons). However, you need to first enable this at: Divi > Theme Customizer > Header & Navigation > Header Elements >...
Hiding Divi's Secondary Menu Bar
The Divi Theme's header consists of two parts: the primary menu bar, which contains the logo and main menu links, and the optional secondary menu bar, which various elements such as the email address, phone number and social network icons. If you'd like to remove the...
Changing the WooCommerce Cart Icon
The Divi Theme has support for WooCommerce built-in and will display a cart icon in the header when products have been added to the cart. The default icon is a shopping cart. Here's how to change it to something different.Using a Different Built-in Icon The cart icon...
Change the Height of the Secondary Header
Increase the Height of the Secondary Header You can increase the height of the Divi Theme's secondary menu bar using the following CSS:Related Post: Adding CSS to the Divi Theme This adds 30px of additional padding (and hence height) to the top and bottom of the...
Hide the Email Icon and/or Email Address in Divi
Here's how to hide the email address / email icon from the top header in the Divi Theme.Hide the Email Address and Icon The best way to do this is to by simply configuring Divi not to display an email address in the first place. You can do so by going to "Divi > Theme...
Changing the WooCommerce Cart Item Count Text
If you setup a WooCommerce store on the Divi Theme, the header will display a count of the items in the user's cart. The text for this will be of the form "2 Items". If you’d like to change this text, e.g. to translate it into another language, you can use the...