Hide the Email Icon and/or Email Address in Divi

Written by Dan Mossop

Here's how to hide the email address / email icon from the top header in the Divi Theme.

Hide the Email Address and Icon

The best way to do this is to by simply configuring Divi not to display an email address in the first place. You can do so by going to "Divi > Theme Customizer > Header & Navigation > Header Elements", deleting anything in the "Email" field and publishing the changes.

If you need to do it via CSS, you can hide both the email address and icon with this:

/* === Hide email address and icon in top header === */
/* https://divibooster.com/hide-the-email-icon-and-or-email-address-in-divi/ */

#et-info-email { 
    display:none !important 

/* === End: Hide email address and icon in top header === */

Hide the Email Icon

If you can see the email icon, but no email address, the first thing to check is that there aren't any stray spaces in the email address box – as the email icon will show even if there is just a single space in there. Deleting the spaces should get rid of the icon.

If that doesn't help, or you actually have an email address you want displayed, you can hide just the email icon using this CSS:

/* === Hide email icon in top header === */
/* https://divibooster.com/hide-the-email-icon-and-or-email-address-in-divi/ */

#et-info-email:before { 

/* === End: Hide email icon in top header === */

Hide the Email Address

To hide the email address, but leave the email icon visible (and clickable), you can use the following CSS:

/* === Hide email address in top header === */
/* https://divibooster.com/hide-the-email-icon-and-or-email-address-in-divi/ */

#et-info-email { 
    display: inline-block;
    max-width: 1em;
    visibility: hidden;
#et-info-email:before {
    visibility: visible;

/* === End: Hide email address in top header === */

If you'd like to show an email icon only (no email address) and don't want to mess around with code, another option is to use my Divi Booster plugin.

Once installed, go to "Divi > Theme Customizer > Divi Booster > Social Media Icons". There, click "Add a Network" and set the "Icon" to "Mail" and "Links to" to "mailto:your@emailadress.com". This will add an email icon alongside the other social media icons in the top header and/or footer.

Optimize Your Site with Divi Booster!

Enhance your Divi website effortlessly with Divi Booster. Packed with hundreds of features, including options to customize your email icon settings, Divi Booster makes it simple to tailor your site to your needs. Whether you're hiding email icons or fine-tuning your theme's appearance, this all-in-one plugin streamlines the process.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. I had the same issue – nothing in the email field, but had a phone number in the phone field, and the email icon persisted. Your code removed it immediately – thank you!

    • Great! Glad it helped, LiorahBlue :)

  2. Your bit of CSS code worked perfectly for hiding the email icon. I had the email field empty in the Divi Child theme customizer settings but the email icon was still showing with no email address tied to it.

    Thanks for the solution.

    • You're very welcome, Scaramouche. In Divi itself a single space character in the email field can cause the icon to show even though the field appears empty – maybe that the issue…? Anyway, I'm glad you've got it looking the way you want.


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