Divi LearnDash Kit Course Content Module

Written by Dan Mossop

Divi LearnDash Kit adds new Divi modules for displaying LearnDash components within a Divi Builder layout. One of these modules is the LearnDash Course Content module. This post gives an overview of the module and its options.

The module displays the content (lessons, topics, quizzes, etc) for a given course. In addition to standard Divi module fields (backgrounds, etc), it includes the following options:


Content Tab


  • Title – Input a title for the module.
  • Course – Show course content for the selected course
  • Show Course Heading – Whether to display the main "Course Content" heading or not

Design Tab

    Title Text

    • Title Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the titles

    Section Heading Text

    • Section Heading Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the section headings

    Expand All Button

    • Expand All Button Background Color – Set the background color of the "Expand All" button
    • Expand All Button Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the "Expand All" button


    • Item Background Color – Set the background color of the individual course content items
    • Item Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the items

    Item Component Text

    • Item Component Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the item components

    Expand / Collapse Text

    • Expand / Collapse Font Options – Adjust the font settings (size, color, etc) of the expand / collapse toggle

    Seamlessly Integrate LearnDash with Divi!

    Enhance your online courses with the Divi LearnDash Kit from Divi Booster. This powerful plugin adds custom LearnDash modules to Divi, allowing you to beautifully display lessons, quizzes, and more. Ensure perfect compatibility with Divi's design settings, and offer a cohesive and visually appealing learning experience for your students.

    About Dan Mossop

    Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


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