Easy Digital Downloads lets you show your users their previous purchases, using the purchase history shortcode. However, the purchase history table doesn't actually show the names of the products included in each purchase, making it difficult for users to identify which purchase was associated with which products.
To address this, you can use the following PHP code to add a "Products" column to the EDD purchase history table:
add_action('edd_purchase_history_header_after', 'add_product_th');
add_action('edd_purchase_history_row_end', 'add_product_td', 10, 2);
function add_product_th() {
<th class="eddb_purchase_titles">
<?php esc_html_e('Products','easy-digital-downloads'); ?>
function add_product_td($id, $meta) {
$meta = wp_parse_args($meta, array('downloads' => array()));
$ids = wp_list_pluck($meta['downloads'], 'id');
<td class="eddb_purchase_titles">
foreach($ids as $id) {
<div class="eddb_purchase_title">
$download = new EDD_Download($id);
I would like to hide the price (price field) in the purchase history, because I have anyway only free downloads. Can you help. I am a lousy coder, not to say no coder.
Hope to hear from you. Thank you
Hey Chris, thanks for asking. Try this:
Hope it helps, but let me know if not.