
Make the Divi Gallery Module Swipeable

The Divi Gallery Module comes with a slider mode that lets you display images in a slider with clickable left/right arrows to scroll through the images. For mobile / touchscreen users, you can improve the user experience by allowing your user to swipe to navigate to...

Setting Responsive Values for Divi Module Settings

In today's mobile-first world, ensuring a responsive design is crucial. The Divi Theme offers a powerful feature that lets you set different values for module settings on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. This flexibility ensures your website looks perfect on any...

Display Divi Columns Side-by-Side on Mobile

Divi lets you lay out web pages in sections, rows, columns and modules. This lets you, for example, display modules side-by-side, by placing them in 2 columns within a row. On mobile, however, Divi will vertically stack the columns in a row. If you want to instead...

Increase Gap below Post Subheadings on Mobiles

The Divi Theme gives subheadings in posts (i.e <h2> tags) a bit of bottom padding (10px) to provide space between them and the text that follows. However, on small device widths, Divi reduces this bottom padding to zero. This means that there is very little...

Enable Mobile Pinch Zooming in Divi

By default, the Divi Theme disables "pinch" zooming on mobiles. While this gives you more control over how your site appears to users, it can hurt accessibility as vision impaired users will be unable to zoom in to view content. Google's Lighthouse website auditing...

Change the Blurb Module Icon / Image Placement on Mobiles

The Divi Theme's blurb module offers a choice of two placements for the blurb icon / image: on top of the text, or to its left. The same placement is used on both desktop and mobile versions. If you'd prefer your left-positioned images and icons to switch to a...

Change Divi's Content Width on Mobiles

The Divi Theme comes with an option to set adjust the "content" width of your site. This lets you choose how wide your want your site's content to be (the default is 1080px). However, there is no equivalent option for setting the content width on mobile devices - on...