A common and useful feature of many websites is breadcrumb navigation links. Breadcrumb links are a list of links usually starting with the homepage and working down through more and more specific categories, ending at the current page. This helps users understand...
Creating Filterable "Portfolios" of Posts and Custom Post Types
Divi includes a filterable portfolio module which makes it easy to display your projects, and allow your users to filter them by category. However, this requires you to use the "projects" custom post type defined by Divi. But what if you want to display some other...
The Ultimate Divi Bundle
To celebrate Divi Booster appearing in Elegant Themes' list of 10 awesome plugins for Divi, I teamed up with the authors of four of the other plugins to put together The Ultimate Divi Bundle. The bundle is no longer available for purchase. However, you can still...
How to add Code Snippets in Divi Builder
Code Snippet Module for Divi Builder My latest WordPress plugin, Code Snippets, adds a new module to Divi Builder. It lets you easily display source code within your Divi Builder posts and pages. Adds a new code snippet module to Divi Syntax highlighting of...
Divi Ghoster Plugin
The Divi Ghoster plugin allows you to remove the Divi branding from your WordPress dashboard, presenting a cleaner experience for your users.
WooCommerce: Show 4 Products per Row
When you set up WooCommerce with the Divi Theme, you'll find it creates you a page for your store. After adding some products, you'll find that your store has a 3 column layout, like so: If you'd prefer to have four items per row, you can add the following CSS to...