Divi includes a "Project" Custom Post Type (CPT) which can be used to create projects for display in the Divi portfolio module and Divi filterable portfolio module. If you'd like to change the name / slug of the project post type to something else, there are several ways you can do it.
Renaming the Project Post Type using Divi Booster
Divi Booster includes the option to rename the project post type and slug. You can find the option at:
Divi > Divi Booster > Projects > Rename the Project Custom Post Type
Like so:
This option is available in Divi Booster v4.1.6 upwards.
Renaming the Project Post Type using Divi Toolkit
Divi Toolkit also includes the option to change the Project CPT name / slug.
You can learn more about the Divi Toolkit setting here:
Renaming the Project Post Type using Divi Pixel
Another plugin offering the option to change the Project CPT name / slug is Divi Pixel.
You can learn more about the Divi Pixel setting here:
Renaming the Project Post Type using PHP
The following PHP code can be used to change the name / slug of the Project Custom Post Type:
function dbc_projects_custom_slug($args) {
$slug = 'photos';
$slug = sanitize_title($slug, 'project');
if (is_array($args) && !empty($slug)) {
$args['slug'] = $slug;
return $args;
add_filter('et_project_posttype_rewrite_args', 'dbc_projects_custom_slug');
function dbc_projects_custom_name($args) {
$name_singular = 'Photo';
$name_plural = 'Photos';
if (isset($args['labels']) && is_array($args['labels'])) {
if (!empty($name_plural) && $name_plural !== 'Projects') {
$args['labels']['name'] = esc_html__($name_plural, 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['search_items'] = esc_html__("Search {$name_plural}", 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['all_items'] = esc_html__("All {$name_plural}", 'et_builder');
if (!empty($name_singular) && $name_singular !== 'Project') {
$args['labels']['singular_name'] = esc_html__($name_singular, 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['add_new_item'] = esc_html__("Add New {$name_singular}", 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['edit_item'] = esc_html__("Edit {$name_singular}", 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['new_item'] = esc_html__("New {$name_singular}", 'et_builder');
$args['labels']['view_item'] = esc_html__("View {$name_singular}", 'et_builder');
return $args;
add_filter('et_project_posttype_args', 'dbc_projects_custom_name');
Related Post: Adding PHP to the Divi Theme
In the example above the slug is changed to "photos" and the name to "Photo" (singular) and "Photos" (plural). Simply replace the references to these to your own desired slug / name.