Here's the PHP code for adding a custom shortcode to your site, which will output the price of a given WooCommerce product:
add_shortcode('db_wc_product_price', 'db_wc_product_price');
function db_wc_product_price($atts)
if (!function_exists('wc_get_product') || !function_exists('get_woocommerce_currency_symbol')) return '';
if (empty($atts['id'])) return '';
$product = wc_get_product($atts['id']);
if (!$product) return '';
return get_woocommerce_currency_symbol().$product->get_price();
This is based on a similar shortcode by WP Beaches. The main difference here is that that shortcode outputs the price wrapped in some HTML, while the version above returns just the plain text of the price and currency symbol. This is useful in cases where the HTML (and with it the price) would be rejected / stripped out by validation code.
It is used like so:
[db_wc_product_price id="10"]
Thank you for guidance. But I want to get the price of the product to include in the article. When I change the price in the product, the price in the article also changes. So do it like this?
Hey Dzung, if I understand you correctly then yes, this shortcode should do what you need. You should be able to use the shortcode in a text module (for example) in among the text of your article. It will grab the latest price each time the page is viewed, so will automatically update when the product price changes. One thing to note though is that if the page with the article is cached it may take some time for the price change to be reflected in the article. You could get round this by 1) disabling caching on the page, 2) setting a sufficiently short caching time on the page, or 3) clearing the cache whenever you chance the price. I hope that helps!