Add Christmas Fonts to Divi

Written by Dan Mossop

What better way to spread holiday cheer on your Divi website than by dressing it up with some custom Christmas fonts? Whether you're crafting a festive landing page, holiday promos, or simply looking to add a touch of yuletide to your blog, incorporating Christmas fonts into your design can truly set the mood. Below we'll walk you through the steps to add Christmas fonts to Divi, taking your site's holiday spirit to a whole new level. 

To add Christmas fonts to your Divi site:

  • Use the Divi Christmas Fonts plugin for integrated fonts, or
  • Manually download fonts and save in the WordPress 'fonts' folder then add them via PHP code to Divi's font options.

The new fonts will appear in Divi modules under "Custom Fonts".

Adding Christmas Fonts to Divi Using the Divi Christmas Fonts Plugin

Divi Christmas Fonts plugin adds a selection of fun Christmas fonts to Divi's in-built set of fonts. No downloading or installing fonts manually; it's all integrated for you. Once the plugin is installed, these Christmas fonts should now appear in the font selection menu within your Divi modules. They'll be listed near the top under "Custom Fonts." 

Adding Christmas Fonts to Divi Using PHP Code

If you'd like to go the DIY route and add Christmas fonts via PHP, here's how to do it. 

Step 1: Download Your Festive Fonts

Before we delve into code, you'll need to download the fonts. We've selected a range of cheerful typefaces available as freeware or public domain. Make sure to download the following fonts from FontSpace:

Each font should be saved into a folder titled fonts in the WordPress root directory, each within a folder matching the name referenced in the code (parallel to the .zip file name from the download).

Step 2: Add the Custom Fonts to Divi via PHP

Next, you'll integrate the fonts into Divi with the following PHP snippet. This code registers the new fonts with Divi's builder, so they'll be selectable like any of Divi's built-in typefaces:

if (!function_exists('divibooster_add_custom_font')) {
	function divibooster_add_custom_font( $custom_fonts ) {
		$font_dir = site_url().'/fonts';

		$custom_fonts['Ice Caps'] = array(
			'styles'   => 'normal',
			'character_set' => 'latin',
			'font_type' => 'tff',
			'font_url'  => $font_dir . '/ice-caps-font/IceCaps-7rLD.ttf',
			'type' => 'sans-serif'

		$custom_fonts['Big Snow'] = array(
			'styles'   => 'normal',
			'character_set' => 'latin',
			'font_type' => 'tff',
			'font_url'  => $font_dir . '/big-snow-font/BigSnow-9ZEj.ttf',
			'type' => 'sans-serif'

		$custom_fonts['Christmas Tree'] = array(
			'styles'   => 'normal',
			'character_set' => 'latin',
			'font_type' => 'tff',
			'font_url'  => $font_dir . '/christmas-tree-font/ChristmasTree-1aj4.ttf',
			'type' => 'sans-serif'

		$custom_fonts['It is Beginning to Look'] = array(
			'styles'   => 'normal',
			'character_set' => 'latin',
			'font_type' => 'tff',
			'font_url'  => $font_dir . '/its-beginning-to-look-a-lot-lik-font/ItsBeginningToLookALotLikeChristmas-qK41.ttf',
			'type' => 'sans-serif'

		$custom_fonts['Magic Christmas'] = array(
			'styles'   => 'normal',
			'character_set' => 'latin',
			'font_type' => 'tff',
			'font_url'  => $font_dir . '/magic-christmas-font/MagicChristmas-Doqm.ttf',
			'type' => 'sans-serif'

		return $custom_fonts;

	add_filter( 'et_builder_custom_fonts', 'divibooster_add_custom_font' );

Step 3: Use the Fonts in your Divi Modules 

Once you've added the code and placed the font files in the correct directories, these Christmas fonts should now appear in the font selection menu within your Divi modules. They'll be listed near the top under "Custom Fonts."

Spruce Up Your Site with Divi Christmas Fonts!

Add a festive touch to your text elements with Divi Christmas Fonts. Featuring 15 joyful fonts, easily integrated into any module with font support, this plugin ensures your holiday messages stand out. Licensed for commercial use without attribution.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


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