If you've ever wanted to alter the pagination text (Prev / Next) in the Divi Gallery module, you might have found that it doesn’t have an option to customize this directly in the module's settings. Sometimes, translations don't quite hit the mark, or you simply want to personalize the navigation links to suit your site better. No worries, though; I've got a solution.
Change Divi Gallery Module Pagination Text using jQuery
Here's a JavaScript / jQuery snippet you can use to customize the "next" and "previous" pagination buttons on your Divi Gallery module:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
function() {
$('.et_pb_gallery_pagination .next a.page-next').text('Next Page');
$('.et_pb_gallery_pagination .prev a.page-prev').text('Previous Page');
Related Post: Adding JavaScript / jQuery to Divi.
Add this to the "Divi -> Theme Options -> Integration -> Add code to the < body >" box, and you’re set to go. Replace 'Next Page' and 'Previous Page' with your desired next / prev text.
This script uses a timeout to wait for the gallery module’s pagination to be fully rendered before changing the text. Sometimes, a longer timeout might be needed if your site or the gallery loads slowly. Start with 200ms and adjust as necessary – a bit of trial and error is the key here. If the default doesn't work, increase it until you find the sweet spot.