Changing the Secondary Header Text and Icon Hover Colors

The secondary header in the Divi Theme allows you to display details such as your phone number, email address, social icons and a secondary menu. You can easily change the non-hover color of these items using the following built-in Divi option:

Divi > Theme Customizer > Header & Navigation > Secondary Menu Bar > Text Color

However, there is no way to set control the hover color of the links in the secondary header. By default, they are just faded slightly by applying a 70% opacity setting. If you want to be able to set a secondary header link color of your choosing, here's how to do it.

Method 1: Setting the Secondary Header Link Hover Color in Divi Booster

My Divi Booster plugin has a simple-to-use option for setting the hover color of the secondary header links. You will find the option on the Divi Booster settings page at:

Header > Top Header > Link hover color

Simply check the box to enable, select your hover color and save.

Method 2: Setting the Secondary Header Link Hover Color via CSS

You can use the following CSS to change the hover color of the links in the secondary header menu. It sets the hover color on the necessary items and overrides Divi's opacity hover effect, so you see the exact color you set. The second block of CSS ensures that, if you have followed my tips to make the phone number clickable or add text to the secondary header, added links have the same transition effect as the built-in ones.
/* Set the hover cover */
#top-header #et-info-phone a:hover, 
#top-header #et-info a:hover span#et-info-phone, 
#top-header #et-info a:hover span#et-info-email, 
#top-header #et-info #db-info-text a:hover, 
#top-header .et-social-icon a:hover,
#top-header #et-secondary-nav a:hover { 
	color: #ffffff !important;
	opacity: 1 !important;

/* Add a transition effect for elements that don't already have it */
#top-header #et-info #db-info-text a,
#top-header #et-info #db-info-text a:hover,
#top-header #et-info a span#et-info-phone,
#top-header #et-info a:hover span#et-info-phone
	-webkit-transition: color .5s;
	-moz-transition: color .5s;
	transition: color .5s;

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Divi Booster

Hundreds of new features for Divi
in one easy-to-use plugin


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