A summary of what's been going on at Divi Booster during Feb 2022.
Divi Booster
- New gallery module image order options – you can now sort gallery modules images in Reverse, by ID, or by ID (Reverse)
- Added Dynamic Content support to the portfolio module order by ID option.
Divi LearnDash Kit
- Added Course Status module
- Improved backwards compatibility of option to hide post title
- Added option to restrict topic list module to current lesson
- Added option to hide course list ribbon
Divi Shortcode Enabler
- You can now use shortcodes in the CSS ID and CSS Class fields of any module.
- Added support for shortcodes in Divi Areas Pro popup ID field
Divi Code Snippet Module
- Style updates for improved display on CPTs
Divi Show / Hide Button Module
- Added options to style the button when in the active state
- Added margin and padding options to the button