Using Divi Booster on WordPress Multisite

Written by Dan Mossop

Latest: Divi Booster appears to be working with WordPress Multisite, though it is still undergoing testing.

Current Status

Divi Booster appears to be working with WordPress Multisite. It is possible to install it as a network plugin, and to configure and apply settings on a site-by-site basis. I am not currently aware of any existing issues with using Divi Booster on WordPress Multisite.

However, I have not yet subjected it to enough testing to say for certain that all features will work correctly on WordPress Multisite. It is possible that some features will either not work, or will apply to all sites rather than on a site-by-site basis. As I say, I'm not aware of any such issues, but I will be conducting testing on the features to find and eliminated any such problems. For now I suggest enabling features one at a time and making sure that they work on your desired site and don't interfere with any of your other sites on the same network. Please let me know if you spot any issues.

An issue existed in earlier versions of Divi Booster in which the location of the Divi Booster file cache would cause some Divi Booster settings to apply to all sites. This has been fixed since v1.2.

If you notice any issues in using Divi Booster for Multisite, please let me know in the comments and I will do my best to address them.

Setting Up Divi Booster on WordPress Multisite

Divi Booster can be set up on WordPress Multisite in the same way as other Multisite plugins:

  1. Download Divi Booster to your computer using the link provided in your purchase confirmation email.
  2. From your WordPress Multisite Network Admin dashboard, go to "Plugins » Add New » Upload Plugin"
  3. Follow the prompts to upload Divi Booster
  4. On the Plugins Page, click the "Network Activate" link beside Divi Booster
  5. Go to the dashboard of the site you want to configure Divi Booster on
  6. Go to "Appearance » Divi Booster" to get to the Divi Booster settings page
  7. Select your desired settings and click "Save"

Updating Divi Booster on WordPress Multisite

I do not believe that the automatic updates feature will work on WordPress Multisite, though further testing is required to confirm that this is the case and to determine if it something that can be implemented. For now it will be necessary to update Divi Booster manually on WordPress Multisite installations. This can be done by downloading the latest version using the link in the purchase confirmation email sent at the time of the purchase. If your link has expired or you no longer have the confirmation email, please let me know and I will re-issue it.

Once you have downloaded the latest version, delete the installed version of Divi Booster and then install the new version using the instructions in the previous section. Your previous Divi Booster settings should be kept in the new version.

Boost Your Divi Experience with Divi Booster!

Unlock hundreds of new features in Divi, including WordPress Multisite compatibility with Divi Booster. Customize your sites effortlessly and harness the power of Divi like never before.

About Dan Mossop

Dan is a Scottish-born web developer, now living in Brisbane with his wife and son. He has been sharing tips and helping users with Divi since 2014. He created Divi Booster, the first Divi plugin, and continues to develop it along with 20+ other Divi plugins. Dan has a PhD in Computer Science, a background in web security and likes a lot of stuff, 


  1. Hi Dan,
    I have installed Divi Booster on multisite and I still haven't found any issues with it, apart from the problem with updates. I tried the download link in the purchase confirmation email but it has expired so I would very much appreciate a new link. Thanks!

    • Hi Karin, thanks for taking the time to let us know how you got on. I've resent your purchase confirmation which should contain a new download link (one that shouldn't expire any time soon). Give me a shout if you don't receive it. Cheers!


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